Sunday, September 13, 2015

You won't believe what we found in this alleyway

Knoxville is a fun city in central Tennessee.

It's got some well-known attractions, but you get the impression that it's more for locals than tourists. We tested out our new Bush's Best Baked Beans Frisbee in the park next to the Sunsphere and were surrounded by a group of local athletes running laps, probably to prepare for some cross-country race.

Downtown, Market Square is one block from the visitor's center and its shops, restaurants and bars pack a lot of personality and cater to the nearby college crowd.

Surprise! Sharks and much more await in this Knoxville alleyway.

We browsed the shops, poked our heads in two of the bars, and tried a couple restaurants while we were in town, but the biggest surprise for us came that first evening as we were walking back toward our car to leave.

Moving from Market Square toward the visitor's center, we noticed an amazing piece of graffiti artwork in an alley we were passing. It caught our eye, so we stopped, and that's when we noticed another amazing piece, then another and another.

We turned in and headed down the alleyway, which isn't something we'd normally advise when visiting a new city, but we were rewarded in Knoxville by a block-long street gallery. We spotted the Kool-Aid man, we saw the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a piranha plant from Super Mario Bros. and a host of other scenes, some of which defied description.

When we visited the visitor's center the next day to catch the Blue Plate Special, we saw that this alley is a known attraction, but for us, it was a surprise, and that made it even more special.

At the end of "Graffiti Alley," it seems not every landlord is as appreciative of the arts.

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