Saturday, September 5, 2015

You won't believe what this pop-up shop was called

There's no escaping the confederate flag in Tennessee.

It's for sale at the Tri-Cities Flea Market in east Tennessee, and it's all over the General Lee at the Dukes of Hazzard Museum in Nashville. In between, it's occasionally waiting to be found hanging in front of a house, and more often it can be seen waving from the back of a passing pickup truck.

If you buy into the "heritage, not hate" mantra, it's easier to get used to. But, then we found this frighteningly named pop-up shop in a supermarket parking lot, and we couldn't even find the will to get out of the car to snap these pictures:

Confederate flags and more for sale.
K & K Kollectables. Really.
Please, tell me that's just a k-k-koincidence.

K & K... Kollectables?

No thanks! One of those flags for sale reads, "Don't tread on me," so we didn't. We left. In a hurry.

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